Donate Funds
Tax-deductible opportunities for giving may support a student, enhance a school initiative or honor a loved one.
- Give online through our secure online donation portal.
- Give through a Donor Advised Fund
- Please contact Shannon Watry at [email protected] for more information.
- Donate by mail. Please make checks payable to:
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
Attn. Advancement Office
1818 W. National Ave.
Milwaukee, WI, 53204

Match Your Gift

Matching gifts strengthen the impact of your gifts, and while two donations for the work of acquiring one seems too good to be true, it’s not! Companies of all sizes match gifts and most are generous about giving money and willing to donate to a broad spectrum of organizations. We ask you to please check with your employer to find out if they offer a matching gifts program. If so, be sure to follow the proper channels to double your gift to Cristo Rey Jesuit High School.
Planned Giving
A bequest is a simple and familiar way to remember Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in your estate plan. To include us in your will, you can provide this suggested language to your attorney:
“I give to Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee, 1818 W National Ave, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204 or its lawful successor (here specify your bequest).”
A bequest can take one of three forms:
- A specific bequest provides for a designated sum or specific asset – for example, real estate, securities, or other property – from your estate
- A percentage designates a fixed share of your estate
- A residual bequest conveys the balance of your estate after taxes, expenses, debts and other specific bequests have been paid
Name Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee as a percentage beneficiary of your retirement plan assets and your estate will receive the appropriate estate tax deduction. We can also be named as a beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust or charitable lead trust, but we are not in a position to serve as a trustee of a charitable trust. In addition, donors may name Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee as beneficiary of all or a percentage of a fully paid life insurance policy that is no longer needed.
Thank you to organizations like Catholic Community Foundation for supporting Cristo Rey Jesuit.